Tuesday, June 22, 2004

Is this made-up also?

From a CNN article:
[Bill Clinton] even expressed gratitude to his political enemies for bringing him and his wife closer together. And once the impeachment process was over, his banishment to the couch in a living room next to the bedroom ended, too, he said.

The couch? The couch?? A little reminder for folks who’ve been out of civics class for a long time: The President of the United States resides in the White House, a rather substantial structure with no fewer than 132 different rooms. Does Bill expect us to believe that he could not, or would not just find another actual bed to use somewhere? Okay - maybe they were all being rented out to big campaign donors - but failing that, couldn’t some flunky have scared up a folding cot that would store in a closet during the day?

Pardon my cynicism, but this strikes me as just another invented tale that Clinton finds useful for his new work of fiction.


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