Tuesday, August 17, 2004

Speaking of bad movies

Following on the heels of my last post, I'd like to ask allied bloggers what movies they have actually walked out on, i.e. left the theater before the movie was done. Understand that there are plenty of awful movies I have sat all the way through, such as Jurassic Park 3 which heralded the much-renowned Summer of Woe (2001). But if I understand beforehand that a movie could be pretty bad, then part of the point of going is to experience the badness with friends -- and thus we're far less likely to actually abort the viewing. No, a walk-out movie for me is one I am not seeing with a group and is bad in a way that was totally unexpected.

Here are the three movies that drove me from the theater:

(1) Tango and Cash (1989)
(2) Robin Hood - Men In Tights (1993)
(3) The Nutty Professor II: The Klumps (2000)

In every case I was with at most one other person. Two of the movies are of that untouchable caste, what writer 3xHAR terms the "unfunny comedy," which has no grace to salvage it.

So then -- what movies have you walked out on?


Blogger Unknown said...

I can't remember ever walking out of a movie, not even Ace Ventura: Pet Detective, and let me tell you, that way overlong bit where Ace cleanses himself after finding out he inadvertantly [gasp] kissed a guy feels even longer when you're watching the film with your girlfriend, her brother, and her brother's boyfriend.

I did walk out of a recent local production of "Pirates of Penzance" after the first act, though, which was rather more expensive than a movie. They apparently thought it would be clever to have the actor playing the Pirate King doing his entire performance as an impersonation of Johnny Depp in Pirates of the Carribean.

They were mistaken.

27/8/04 18:37  
Blogger Alice in Wonderbread said...

Howie and I walked out of Twister.

I wanted to walk out of Howard the Duck but I was reviewing it for the school newspaper so staying was mandatory.

I nearly walked out of Moulin Rouge (I nicknamed it Moulin Poo).

And I did walk out of The Chronicles of Riddick but my husband/date was still watching the movie so I spent a lot of time in the cinema's lobby watching a kid kick major ass on the Dance Dance Revolution machine.

9/6/06 14:07  

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