Tuesday, May 10, 2005

Three days of spam

It is time for another spam folder roundup!

My banking information is woefully out of date. My SouthTrust account information needs to be updated. I am told that my PayPal account has been "limited" and "suspended," both events occurring within 40 minutes of one another. Not surprisingly, I'm on my "final warning" -- again -- from eBay. Oddly enough, in the face of all of this astounding neglect on my part, nothing actually seems to ever happen my accounts.

According to the spam I need drugs, deeply discounted software, a lower loan rate, and hot stock tips. I have learned that "Barons [sic] issues strong bi [sic]." This is either an attempt to tout a stock or a tabloid report on British royals. It's hard to tell.

I am receiving spam from Catalina Chung, Humphry Wang, Marmaduke Dallas, salvatore liggin, refugio roswick, cyrus zaffuto, Vxjyarvzzhshm, Ãðèãîðüåâ È.Ñ., and Valerie {LASNAME}. That last one slays me. If you can't be bothered to properly link your super-duper last-name file (containing gems like Wang, Dallas, and zaffuto) to your spam-generating engine, you might want to consider a less intellectually-demanding line of "work." Panhandling, perhaps.

A spam subject line admonishes: "Avoid critical or shaming statements." A couple hours later: "Fast solution to your problems in a bed!"

Finally, why would anyone think that the following subject lines constitute a viable hook to a product or service?
blonde thyronine baptismal fortunate girlie doorknob
hoboken counterargument inexpert prague awake cedar
Yes, yes, I know that they're "trying to get past the spam filters." To which I point out: (1) They didn't get past the spam filters. I found them in my spam folder. (2) Word-salad in the subject line screams "I am spam!"

Look at it another way: have you ever heard a radio or television ad start out by blurting "Hoboken counterargument inexpert prague" et cetera? Could it be because that doesn't work well?


Blogger 3XHAR said...

Firstly, Marmaduke Dalas is a cool name. Secondly: no porn? Strange.

11/5/05 20:57  

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